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NPN | Pharmacy First | Ear Ache

Embarking on a healthcare revolution, Pharmacy First is rewriting the rules of primary healthcare across the UK. This trailblazing service, building upon the foundation laid by the NHS Community Pharmacy Consultation Service, lifts community pharmacies to new heights in the management of minor illnesses and urgent medication needs. It's a game-changer, especially for those grappling with the discomfort of earache—a condition that spares no age but often hits the youngest among us the hardest.

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NPN | Pharmacy First

Get ready for a healthcare revolution with the launch of Pharmacy First, a groundbreaking service set to transform the way we approach primary healthcare in the UK. This initiative builds on the success of the NHS Community Pharmacy Consultation Service introduced in 2019, and it’s all about putting community pharmacies at the heart of managing healthcare, especially for minor illnesses and urgent medication needs.

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NPN | Ear Check-ups at Your Local Pharmacy

When it comes to healthcare, early intervention is often the key to preventing bigger issues down the road. Our ears, often overlooked in our routine check-ups, play a crucial role in our daily lives. They influence our balance, guard our healing, and affect our overall well-being - so ensuring their health is important. Where can you turn to for a quick, convenient ear assessment? Your local pharmacy is a great starting point, and here’s why:

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