NPN | Pharmacy First | Infected Insect Bites

Insect Bites

Insect bites are usually considered to be nothing more than a nuisance - but they can vary greatly when it comes to the impact they have on our health. From the itching and swelling typically associated with mosquito bites to the potential allergic reactions triggered by bee or wasp stings, the range of symptoms can be broad. More concerning are the bites which can lead to more severe health issues, including bacterial infections. Understanding the nature of the bite and the appropriate response is crucial in managing the situation effectively.

For most insect bites, your first step of treatment begins at home, by cleaning the bite with soap and water, applying a cold pack to reduce swelling, and avoiding scratching to prevent infection. Over-the-counter creams and antihistamines can also help alleviate itching and discomfort. However, when symptoms persist or if there's a concern about a severe allergic reaction or infection, professional healthcare advice becomes essential.

How Can Pharmacy First Help?

This is where Pharmacy First significantly enhances your options. Instead of waiting for a GP appointment, if you’re experiencing complications from an insect bite you can seek immediate advice from your local community pharmacy. Your local pharmacists have been equipped with the knowledge and tools to assess the severity of insect bites, offering guidance on the best course of treatment, recommending over-the-counter products, and advising when further medical assistance may be necessary. It’s an approach that not only offers quick relief, but also aids in preventing potential complications.

The benefits of choosing Pharmacy First for help with infected insect bites helps to alleviate the strain on emergency services and GP practices, contributing to a more efficient healthcare system. It means professional advice and treatment are always readily accessible to you and your family, without the need for an appointment - just pop into your nearest pharmacy and ask the friendly team for advice.

How Do I Use Pharmacy First?

The referral process to Pharmacy has been carefully designed to be as efficient and convenient as possible. You can access the service by simply walking into your nearest pharmacy - or you can get a referral from NHS111, your GP, or other urgent care providers. If you get referred in this way, a secure electronic referral will be sent to your chosen pharmacy, which will contact you within 30 minutes, to ensure you get the care you need quickly.


By providing an accessible and efficient alternative for the management of minor health issues like insect bites, Pharmacy First emphasises the critical role of community-based healthcare. Pharmacy First is more than a service; it's a commitment to improving healthcare delivery through the expertise of community pharmacists.